Mulakan pagi dengan Johnson's Baby Day Regime.
Bila bangun awal pagi mood senang hati dan ceria, automatik membuatkan Aisyah gembira dan bersedia untuk memulakan hari.
Johnson's Baby Top To Toe Wash
Aisyah Zahraa posing dulu sebelum mandi dengan Johnson's Baby Top To Toe Wash.
Sabun ni aromanya nyaman dan segar.
Your baby's skin is three times thinner than yours. That is why, everything that touches her should be that much more gentle. A gentle caress, a gentle wipe, a gentle massage, a gentle bath..
Johnson's Baby Oil
Urutan untuk melindungi kulit Aisyah daripada kekeringan dan membuatkan kulit akan terasa lembut.
Safety tips : - For external use only. Do not apply to irritated skin. If rash occurs, discontinue use. Keep out of children's reach to avoid drinking and accidental inhalation, which can cause serious injury. Should breathing problem occur, consult a doctor immediately.
Johnson's Baby Powder
Bedak Johnson's Baby Powder ni Aisyah guna pakai sendiri je, tapi memang kena pantau takut habis jadi salji yang ala-ala lagu Let It Go dalam cerita Frozen.
Johnson's Baby Lotion
Macam ni lah reaksi gembira Aisyah bila suruh pakai Johnson's Baby Lotion.
Laju je sapu letak kat kaki dia.